who is david diga hernandez

For the love of God please stop talking about hell as if it has any credence for anything. Now, I have spent a lot of time dealing with the Greek word aionios, but now this word has been connected with this Greek word kolasis but what does that word mean? Note: he has been sent this testing and I will post his response here if he does respond. Why did they stop at just two evers? Here is the passage from the New King James Version; For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water. In Matthew 25:41, we read that aionios fire has been prepared for the devil and his angels but who are devils messengers? This is not an ordination program, so all may take this course. There is no logical or scriptural justification for David to assume that the grave is really the afterlife. So he went and preached to the spirits in prison those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. David proclaims that you cannot experience peace unless you have consciousness and he isnt wrong in saying that statement however, he is wrong in assuming that the experience of peace is meant to be interpreted as a real experience. How can someone receive everlasting punishment without also having everlasting life? He associates with the heretic false healer Benny Hinn so it tells you his brand of Christianity. (LogOut/ The first thing you said was, You dont get the idea of hell. Davids outlandish interpretations are laughable and he being someone who has boasted about the context dictating meaning has once again failed to consider the context of Isaiah 57:2 so lets read verses 1 & 2 from a more responsible bible translation in the New King James Version; Isaiah 57:1-2 The righteous perishes, And no man takes it to heart; Merciful men are taken away, While no one considers That the righteous is taken away from evil. Now, the CEO of course is Christ and the employees of the business are the inhabitants of the world. We are building a TV Studio andacquiringnew TV equipment to launch a regularly scheduled program on JCTV. It is so refreshing and inspiring and I want to know more. Philosophers and great academician have long sough to understand this Question on the purpose of life. But I want to tell you the story thus far. Shame on you! In the Hebrew, the word in question is `owlam and in the Greek, it is aion or aionios. David says that the universalist will roll their eyes at this verse saying that they have no real explanation and that no scholarly answer has ever been given claiming it again to be a believable conspiracy theory. I sobbed tears of joy, as the perfect love of God dispelled all fear. Now I want to listen to every teaching on the Holy Spirit. that is up to you. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Gehenna). But God created a collaborative work surrounding my life. There is NO literal gate. And thats all about divine timing, so it is written. God knows what he is doing and WHY he is doing it. Responding to the call of faith in Christianity takes great courage. He travels all around the world preaching the gospel of salvation through Jesus and ministering the Holy Spirit's power and presence. Thanks, Pastor Hernandez, you are a blessing from God to the world. You are one of the powerful preachers sharing His words. How about sharing the actual gospel instead the perverted anti-gospel that Christianity spews from its pulpits I started this blog about 6 years ago and havent collected a single dime from anyone. My parents, David and Esther, prayed a simple prayer over me when I was born: that I would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. The question can easily be posed when you assume that you are right because nobody assumes that they are wrong but you are in fact DEAD WRONG about essentially everything you teach so this judgment will be on you! The witch told Saul in verse 13 that she saw a spirit ascending out of the earth and in verse 14, we read that this spirit had the form of an OLD MAN Remember that spirit is INVISIBLE so Saul PERCEIVED (that is, thought in HIS OWN MIND) that this old man envisioned of by a witch to be Samuel. And then, God makes the cup bigger. I think it strange that people criticize that God blesses and anoints. Days later, I was watching a documentary on the life of Oral Roberts. Sodoms sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door. The ones he entrusted with his business he takes them on a special cruise only reserved for them. He has an older sister Raquel and a younger brother Michael. A parent must stop the spanking before the child can learn from it so the teaching of everlasting punishment is grossly evil and incoherent. Required fields are marked *. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If time didnt apply before the creation of the world, WHEN did God create the world? The messengers of the devil are HUMAN and it is but the leaders of Christianity that spread this most blasphemous and damnable message in their temples of terror (churches) not even realizing that it is Satans headquarters. Guess what!? Pastor Eddie, I said, I feel like God is telling me to begin preaching in the church. The funny thing is that you think I deserve to be in hell just because I believe its a lie. The messengers of the devil are the pastors of Christendom! Lets read the actual full scriptural passage since David so graciously left out the context in his failed attempt at perverting the word of God. David says that Matthew 25:41 is a universalist nightmare and he also says that you will never hear a simple answer for the explaining of this verse but let me pose this question If the revelation of scripture was supposed to be simple, why would God raise up prophets to deliver His message? In verse 2, first group rising to (everlasting life?) Realize that the Holy Spirit and His power are available to you on a moment-by-moment basis." My friends and I were enjoying doughnuts. Before we can understand 1 Peter 3:18-20, we have to understand the difference between being dead and being alive so lets simply define the two According to the Merriam- Webster dictionary, the words alive and dead are defined as follow; Alive: having life, not dead or inanimate, still in existence, force, or operation. What is a key used for? Revelation 12:9 tells us that the devil deceives the WHOLE WORLD and if the whole world is susceptible to such deception, then there must be enough deception available in the world for the whole world to be deceived by it. James 2:13 tells us that MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGMENT! Thank you Pastor David for your teachings about the Holy Spirit. Very simply put, the rich man died and he was buried and where do dead people go? He started seeking Jesus on Christian Tv programs, and in the Bible. Since I can remember, I had battled with a demonic depression and unusual fear. Clearly David is the real deal!! He said, I need a favor.. We have two groups of people discussed in Daniel 12:2-3. And when I prayed for people, they would either fall onto the small tarp we laid or straight onto the dirt. Thanks for sharing Gods words on youtube, Pastor David. by the time he was completing High School, David had started his TV ministry and by 20 years his ministry Miracle Encounter Services had started. Now, David breaks down his arguments into four sections as follows; 1. At the age of 13, David started his ministry to have a close relationship with the Holy Spirit. This is what David and Christianity considers to be Gods higher form of justice. One interesting note is that in Dr. Strongs biblical definition of angel, he defines it as a messenger and by implication a PASTOR. You shouldnt concern yourself with other peoples judgment. I hear youre a great healer I want my daughter to be very careful God warns us about false prophets. Teachers were never present when this occurred. Keep up the good work Servant of Most High God. The Real Gospel of Christ, < comment-reply@wordpress.com> wrote: The Real Gospel of Christ commented: What would I do for the sake of the > gospel? In the BEGINNING (thats time), God created the heavens and the earth Does it say, in the heavens and earth, God created the beginning? David fails to mention in his argument that going to prison for a life sentence is typically reserved for the most serious crimes and while a person can go to prison for life, they are not sent to prison to be tortured for their entire life. But I . I may have depression, but depression doesnt have me. We love you and God bless you and your family. I share my time and efforts with total strangers for free to share truths that I believe have been revealed to me over time and I have been a blessing to many people. Your email address will not be published. For He has put all things under His feet. But when He says all things are put under Him, it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted. At the age of 20, he founded his own ministry Miracle Encounter Services. My daughter watches you. (LogOut/ Dr. Strong was himself influenced by his own religious bias and as such he inserted his own bias with this word. He says to his audience that theyll hear very far-fetched and stretched explanations about the explanation of Luke 16 and then he says that the universalist does a lot of biblical gymnastics to try to get around the very clear meaning of what the bible says David then quotes Luke 16:22-23 which is very interesting because he doesnt even quote the entire passage but he quotes those two scriptures because of the word Hades. David talking about universalist using biblical gymnastics is humor food. Your email address will not be published. David states, Why would the scriptures condemn necromancy if it wasnt an actual thing? Then he states, :Why would God command us not to commit the sin of communication with the dead if it werent possible to communicate with the dead? Are you freaking kidding me? He has no spiritual insight whatsoever and his carnal minded teaching is consistent with the evil heresies spewed all throughout Christianity. And most people would agree thats enough of an obligation. Uhhh? There is no such thing as dividing people with the gospel. Take vacations and relax. You cannot magically change something that is evil and turn it around and say it is righteous just because you assign it to God. He DIED for the sins of the world right? If context really does dictate the meaning of any scriptural passage then surely we would have a scripture that gives us permission to do so but guess what? Heaven is a spiritual realm that exists in the mind. Mr. Miyagi says, there are no bad students only bad teachers and while I only agree to that statement in part, it certainly applies to David. Show Encounter Podcast with David Diga Hernandez, Ep Condemnation vs. His work no doubt was a masterpiece but unfortunately it was not without error. David has written over 12 books in total. They manipulated the scriptures to continue perpetuating the LIE of an eternal everlasting hell. It was purely demonic. That prayer would set the course for the rest of my life. So, an angel is a messenger, an envoy, or simply, one who is sent and these can be human or heavenly beings. But there were other internal problems. I was brought into a private room after a TV taping. 2016. You gather the scattered sheep and watch over those You have gathered. Who do you think you are? Christ undid the work of Adam but there is still sin in the world. At the time, he directed worship for our church. Even if I came into contact with him, God would still need to speak. David Diga Hernandez is a spiritual terrorist of Christianity that has a YouTube channel called, Encounter TV which broadcasts his internet Spirit Church through video blogging on YouTube. It seems you are easily offended. For more content, search for my sermon, "How to Know You're Spiritually Mature - 5 IMPORTANT Signs," on YouTube. God took me from the projector to the pulpit. The weekly program, Encounter TV, features highlights from David's international ministry events, guest interviews, viewer submitted clips and a . You can only fill a cup so much before it begins to overflow. Before David begins his teaching he takes a moment to basically call universalist arrogant for thinking that our understanding of the scriptures is right while the thousands of bible experts and bible translators got it wrong. To unlock something locked right? According to his testimony, David Diga Hernandez is one of the staunch Christians who responded to Gods call at a young age. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha is age-lasting and the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels is also age-lasting but who are the devils angels David has already given you his twisted theology on who he thinks the devils angels are but I can assure you as he has been consistently wrong, he is wrong again. You can find lyrics and chords to many christian songs. Davids interpretation of scripture is consistent with what Christianity teaches and as a loyal teacher of Christendumb, he submits to all of her dogma. Here is my question Who are the MANY being led to righteousness described in verse 3? Christ says that those born of the spirit are like the WIND so it is clear that these words have a connection with each other. Its a lie. Well, if we are to trust the scriptures, then we have a blatant contradiction. It isnt everlasting shame and disgrace, its age-lasting shame and disgrace (judgment). Is there an expiration on this scripture? When people criticize others, in whose shoes they have not walked, they themselves are criticizing God in those people. Go out and do so. Therefore look! This is infact very true. Its not some magical kingdom in outer space that people go to after they pass away. God, I said, I want you to use me like you used him. I continued to pray that, while still full of doubt. This book is in very good condition; no remainder marks. Time will eventually come to an end for time will be IRRELEVANT when mortality puts on IMMORTALITY! Christian leaders like David will read the biblical outline of this word as it is described above and he will use that as proof because he agrees with such nonsense. So when the age of the first resurrection comes to an end ushering in the events of the second resurrection, believers or (first resurrection participants) will continue to live because they were made immortal in the first resurrection. Wealth isnt the issue. How and where is the price paid? What would I do for the sake of the gospel? and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever? But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christs at His coming. The moment I shook his hand, the expression on his face changed. I really dont know much about youI just want her to be careful and to look towards God for what to believe. It is a sin to be attached to the world. He is a pastor in a renowned evangelistic healing ministry in Southern California. that and Claudio Freidzon also airs on Daystar = automatic 2nd red flag I have on him, but I am curious what both teaches exactly, especially Freidzon since I am not really familiar with south American televangelists. It was at that moment that the Lord reminded me of what I had prayed years prior. Hernandez notes that because of religious fragmentation and cultural change, the simple message of the truth now gets labeled as "intolerant" or "hate speech". Your view of hell is much different than fundamental Christianity but you are still mixing some good points with a lot of Christian dogmas that are completely unbiblical. Debes leer el material que se presenta en las secciones 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 y 4.4 del libro de texto para . Now, what are these spirits in prison? So how is God like a consuming fire? David Diga Hernandez shares how the Holy Spirit illuminates Biblical revelation. A blog dedicated to those who are in search of God. You will know them by their works.. In the judgment, God will cause these lying deceiving ministers of the devils work to go through the age-lasting spiritual fire of Gods consuming spirit purifying them of their evil carnal wickedness. Although David travels the world, he likes to serve his local church when he is at home. How he works in our lives his nature etc. Here is the only scripture where we find the Greek verb tartaro; 2 Peter 2:4 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; It wouldve been nice to have another scripture to compare usage but to be honest we dont even need it because theres enough evidence for this heresy to be dispelled. In so much as ye have done it to one of these, the least of my brethren, ye have done it to me. For years, I walked with Him and felt His presence everywhere I go. David Diga Hernandez (@digahernandez) Instagram photos and videos digahernandez Follow 1,306 posts 234K followers 156 following David Diga Hernandez Public figure Friend of the Holy Spirit. God doesnt exist in eternity for Gods existence has NOTHING to do with terms created by humans. original sound - David Diga Hernandez. For when you go to the grave, (Hebrew Sheol) there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom. From the age eleven and on, I daily spent hours with the Lord. Since Christ died for the sins of the world he is bringing us to God to LIVE but the dead do not live again until the RESURRECTION! In the first section, he proclaims that the early church fathers supported the modern teaching of a literal conscious hell but David is quite ignorant and irresponsible in his research. If my neighbor starts eating dog feces shall I then believe that eating dog feces is a real thing? He says it was at the age of 11 that he met Jesus. He pointed at me and called me to the front. David doesnt care that his theology totally contradicts scripture. I was born again. The CEO goes away and comes back entrusting a few to keep the business operating in his absence. He debunks nothing and only rambles on teaching lies to gullible people that already look to him for guidance. He is well aware and wanted to protect the church, so his church and he wanted to build their own church building and IT, a network so they may not be banned from spreading the gospel. Sadly though, many Christians still having blind eyes and dull ears, do not understand the meaning of the passage. Well, it is a parable and Ill prove it Luke 16:19-31 is actually part of a series of parabolic teachings from Christ going back to Luke 12 and watch the similarity of Christs parabolic introductions. Is it really good and acceptable for God to save all of sinning humanity and have them come into the knowledge of truth? Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting disgrace. The pulpit is at home ( JUDGMENT ) shoes they have not walked, they would either onto... Is really the afterlife my daughter to be attached to the call of faith in takes. 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